Saturday, 14 April 2012

Weekend @ the Museum

"What Do Pictures Want" exhibition - April 14th, 2012

It's an honor for me to host such a beautiful art exhibition. The event held at ART1, Jakarta.  It is one of a wonderful museum galleries in Jakarta.  Big space, clean, modern and indeed, has a great art collection.

Finally, there is a good quality museum in Jakarta that I can really enjoy the ambiance and the collections.

Great job, ART1!

Now, let me share with you some bites from the event ;)


Beautiful art collections (incl. beautiful paintings)

With the famous painting by Affandi

Museum Entrance

Having fun with one of piece of ARTS (by mr. Fajar - Bandung) - Yes, it's a muffin and Yes, you have to SMILE ;)

1 comment:

Prana Asmara said...

Great post. Thanks for letting us know that we have such a wonderful museum in Jakarta!