Monday, 9 April 2012

Macaroon Tea Room

I found that, paired with a cup of tea, macarons are the perfect treat on a rainy day ;) The not so hot nor so warm water on my cup just a perfect time to sip my tea.

At moment like this, it makes my feeling become emotional since been years after I had to shut down my tea room (yes, it is only for temporary shut down). I miss you, MACAROON TEA ROOM

Ohh…just want to share with you some memory pieces that I will keep forever as part of my wonderful experienced with my first tea room.

Here I proudly present the ‘used to be’ Macaroon Tea Room..hope you enjoy as I will always do :)

photo courtesy of DEWI Magazine

photo courtesy of Mothers&Baby Indonesia

photo courtesy of  

photo courtesy of  

photo courtesy of  

photo courtesy of AMICA Indonesia

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